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Ghana’s Money Supply M1: Trends, Analysis, and Economic Impact

Explore the trends and economic implications of Ghana’s M1 money supply in this comprehensive analysis. Learn about the factors driving M1 growth and future projections.


  • Examination of trends in Ghana's M1 money supply and its implications for liquidity and economic activity.
  • Top 10 key statistics and facts reflecting the recent changes in M1 and its economic drivers.
  • A critical analysis of the factors impacting M1 and its projected future trajectory.

Ghana's Money Supply M1: An Expository and Critical Analysis


  • Examination of trends in Ghana's M1 money supply and its implications for liquidity and economic activity.
  • Top 10 key statistics and facts reflecting the recent changes in M1 and its economic drivers.
  • A critical analysis of the factors impacting M1 and its projected future trajectory.

Research Methodology: This article utilizes a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Data from the Bank of Ghana, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank is analyzed to understand the trends in M1 growth over the past five years. Economic reports, central bank policy documents, and academic literature provide context for the changes in Ghana's M1 and its impact on liquidity and economic performance.

Top 10 Key Statistics and Facts:

  1. Ghana’s M1 money supply reached GHS 35.6 billion in 2023, a 9% increase from GHS 32.7 billion in 2022.
  2. M1 growth decelerated from 12% in 2022, reflecting tighter monetary policy and higher interest rates.
  3. M1 in Ghana consists of currency in circulation and demand deposits held by businesses and individuals.
  4. Ghana’s M1 as a percentage of GDP was approximately 18% in 2023, compared to 16% in 2022, indicating a higher liquidity presence in the economy.
  5. The Bank of Ghana raised the policy rate to 30% in 2023 to control inflation, influencing the growth of demand deposits within M1.
  6. Cash in circulation, a component of M1, increased by 7% in 2023, reflecting consumer demand for liquidity amid inflationary pressures.
  7. Inflation in Ghana exceeded 40% in early 2023, pushing demand for cash and deposits as a hedge against rising prices.
  8. The composition of M1 shifted slightly in 2023, with demand deposits accounting for 65% of M1, compared to 62% in 2022, driven by increased banking activity.
  9. Ghana’s M1 growth has been heavily influenced by foreign exchange inflows and outflows, impacting liquidity in the banking system.
  10. Projected M1 growth for 2024 is expected to moderate, with estimates suggesting a 7-8% increase depending on inflation control and currency stability.

Body of Article/Critical Analysis:

Understanding Ghana’s M1 Money Supply:

M1, the narrowest definition of money supply, includes currency in circulation and demand deposits that are readily accessible for transactions. M1 is a key indicator of liquidity in the economy, reflecting the amount of money available for immediate use in economic activities. In Ghana, M1 has grown steadily over the years, driven by inflationary pressures, currency depreciation, and monetary policy changes aimed at stabilizing the economy.

In 2023, Ghana’s M1 money supply grew by 9%, a deceleration from 12% growth in 2022. This moderation is primarily attributable to the Bank of Ghana’s monetary tightening measures, including a hike in the policy rate to 30%, which reduced the flow of money into the banking system. Demand deposits and cash in circulation continue to form the bulk of M1, providing liquidity for day-to-day transactions and business activities.

Key Drivers Behind the Growth of M1 in Ghana:

  1. Inflationary Pressures: Inflation in Ghana reached over 40% in early 2023, pushing demand for cash and deposits. As prices rise, businesses and consumers require more liquidity to cover the higher costs of goods and services, increasing the demand for M1.

  2. Monetary Policy Adjustments: The Bank of Ghana’s monetary tightening in response to inflation included raising the policy rate to 30%. This made borrowing more expensive, reducing the pace of credit expansion, but it also impacted demand deposits as businesses sought to preserve liquidity.

  3. Currency Depreciation: The depreciation of the cedi by over 20% in 2023 has influenced M1 growth. As the local currency loses value, businesses and consumers hold more cash and demand deposits as a buffer against currency volatility, particularly for short-term liquidity needs.

  4. Government Spending: Fiscal policy and government spending have contributed to the increase in M1, particularly as the government injects liquidity into the economy through infrastructure projects and social programs. This spending often leads to higher demand for transactional balances in the banking system.

  5. Consumer Confidence: The demand for liquidity has been closely tied to consumer confidence in the economy. Uncertainty surrounding inflation, exchange rates, and economic growth has led businesses and households to increase their cash holdings as a precautionary measure.

  6. Banking Sector Activity: The growth in demand deposits, which account for the majority of M1, reflects increased banking activity in Ghana. With more businesses and individuals utilizing banking services, demand deposits have grown, contributing to the overall increase in M1.

Economic Implications of M1 Growth:

The growth of M1 in Ghana has significant implications for economic activity and monetary policy. On the one hand, an increase in M1 provides much-needed liquidity for businesses and consumers to conduct day-to-day transactions, supporting economic growth. On the other hand, excessive M1 growth, particularly in the context of high inflation, can lead to inflationary pressures, as too much liquidity chases too few goods.

The Bank of Ghana’s challenge is to strike a balance between ensuring adequate liquidity for economic transactions and preventing runaway inflation. By raising the policy rate and adjusting reserve requirements, the central bank aims to control M1 growth and stabilize the currency while ensuring that there is enough money in circulation to support business activity.

Current Top 10 Factors Impacting Ghana’s M1:

  1. Inflation Rates.
  2. Bank of Ghana Policy Rate.
  3. Currency Depreciation (Cedi).
  4. Government Spending and Fiscal Deficits.
  5. Demand Deposits Growth.
  6. Cash Circulation in the Economy.
  7. Monetary Policy Coordination with IMF Programs.
  8. Foreign Exchange Inflows and Outflows.
  9. Private Sector Credit Demand.
  10. Banking Sector Performance and Consumer Confidence.

Projections and Recommendations:

The outlook for M1 growth in Ghana remains tied to inflation control, currency stability, and monetary policy adjustments. Projected growth for M1 in 2024 is estimated to moderate at around 7-8%, provided that inflationary pressures ease and the cedi stabilizes. However, should inflation persist or government borrowing increase, M1 growth could exceed these estimates.

Recommendations for managing M1 growth include:

  • For the Bank of Ghana: Continue to implement inflation-targeting measures while ensuring adequate liquidity for economic activities. The central bank should also monitor the flow of demand deposits to prevent excessive M1 growth.
  • For Policymakers: Focus on fiscal consolidation to reduce government borrowing, which directly impacts liquidity in the banking system and influences M1.
  • For Businesses: Optimize liquidity management by leveraging banking products that allow for flexibility in managing demand deposits and cash balances.


Ghana’s M1 money supply serves as a critical indicator of the country’s economic liquidity and monetary stability. The deceleration in M1 growth in 2023 reflects the Bank of Ghana’s efforts to curb inflation and stabilize the currency. However, maintaining a delicate balance between liquidity and inflation control will be crucial in the coming years. By closely monitoring M1 growth and implementing sound monetary and fiscal policies, Ghana can ensure that its money supply supports sustainable economic growth while avoiding inflationary pressures.


  • Data sourced from Bank of Ghana, IMF, and World Bank reports.
  • Economic projections are based on current macroeconomic conditions and monetary policy trends.


  1. Bank of Ghana. (2023). Monetary Policy and M1 Money Supply Report. Accra, Ghana.
  2. International Monetary Fund. (2023). Ghana: Economic Review and Monetary Policy Analysis. Washington, D.C.
  3. World Bank. (2023). Ghana's Money Supply and Inflation Dynamics. Washington, D.C.
  4. African Development Bank. (2023). Monetary Stability and M1 Growth in Ghana. Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
  5. Oxford Business Group. (2023). Ghana’s Banking Sector and Money Supply Report. London, UK.

SEO Metadata:

  • Title: Ghana’s Money Supply M1: Trends, Analysis, and Economic Impact
  • Meta Description: Explore the trends and economic implications of Ghana’s M1 money supply in this comprehensive analysis. Learn about the factors driving M1 growth and future projections.
  • Keywords: Ghana money supply M1, Bank of Ghana M1, Ghana M1 growth rate, inflation and money supply, Ghana liquidity, Ghana economic analysis

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